Cleveland Hospital Negligence Lawyers

Experienced Ohio Delayed Diagnosis Lawyers

When people visit the hospital, they expect to receive a high level of medical care and trust that their medical issues will be properly addressed and treated. When hospital negligence or misconduct leads to errors, however, it can make existing conditions worse or inflict new injuries on patients. It may be possible for those patients to seek compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other expenses.

At the Cleveland law firm of Dennis Seaman & Associates, our experienced attorneys represent people who have been hurt or have had conditions made worse by hospital negligence or misconduct. With 40 years of experience, we can identify fault and liability in hospital errors cases and hold accountable those medical professionals who are responsible for those errors.

If you believe that you have been hurt or that your condition has worsened due to hospital negligence, contact our office in Cleveland to speak with an attorney.

Cleveland Hospital Negligence Attorneys

Our firm provides representation for clients who were injured in hospitals across Cleveland and the state of Ohio due to:

When hospital errors occur, they can lead to infections, scarring and disfigurement, paralysis, loss of function and even death in the worst cases. Patients and their families are left to deal with the financial burdens, and although they can see that an error has taken place, hospital staff may not inform them of how those errors occurred.

Contact Dennis Seaman & Associates to Schedule a Consultation

Hospital errors are all too frequent in Ohio, but if one has harmed you or a member of your family, contact one of our attorneys at Dennis Seaman & Associates. Schedule a free initial consultation by calling us at 216 696-1080.