Ohio Catastrophic Injury Lawyers

When a car and commercial truck collide, when a tire blowout causes a vehicle to flip, or when an explosion leads to severe burns, it's likely that the resulting injuries will affect every aspect of daily life. A catastrophic injury, such as a traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury, or severe burns, typically has long-term effects:

  • It can represent a serious, possibly life-long loss, such as the loss of a limb, vision or hearing.
  • It may limit one’s ability to work.
  • It can interfere with many of the activities of daily life.
  • It may cause chronic, debilitating pain.
  • It may involve severe emotional trauma as well as physical pain.

If a member of your family has suffered serious injuries, you will soon be called by an insurance company and offered a settlement. Often, this settlement offer is made before you have a clear idea of what the full cost of medical care and ongoing therapy will be.

In the midst of that first rush of medical bills, many people accept the first offer from their insurance companies. They are faced with more debt than they’ve ever faced in their lives and don’t know what else to do.

Unfortunately, what they may not realize is that the costs of treatment and recovery may continue to build for some time. Once you accept the insurance company’s offer, you can’t go back and ask for more money later.

If your loved one has suffered serious injuries that will have a life-changing affect, it is extremely essential to consult an attorney before you accept any offer from an insurance company.

Evaluating Cases Involving Serious Injuries

We often work with medical experts, life care planners, and economists to calculate the lifetime cost of serious injuries. The total value of your claim could include medical and rehabilitative care, the cost of adaptive equipment and changes to your home — or the cost of nursing home care if your loved one cannot return home — loss of income from reduced employment, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of the companionship of family members.

Once we have developed a clear picture of both the immediate and long-term costs of care and other losses, we can negotiate a fair settlement – or can take your case to trial if the insurance company will not be fair.

Protect Your Rights: Free Attorney Consultation

At Seaman & Associates, our injury attorneys are committed to obtaining a full and fair financial recovery for you. It costs you nothing to meet with a lawyer for a review of your case.  For help from an experienced personal injury attorney after a serious injury, contact our law office today at 216-696-1080 to arrange a free consultation.  We represent catastrophic injury victims in Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Youngstown, Warren, Mansfield, Toledo, and all of Ohio.